February 6, 2017

Under the terms of a consent decree filed by the Justice Department today, the City of Philadelphia will offer to reinstate and reassign a former employee it terminated because of a disability, and will pay him a total of $90,000.00 for back pay, accrued interest, and compensatory damages. The decree, pending approval by the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, will further require the City of Philadelphia's Streets Department to revise its policies to ensure that reassignment is considered as a reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities, train relevant employees on the ADA, and report to the Justice Department on implementation of the decree.

For more information or for a copy of the consent decree, please visit our ADA website at www.ada.gov.

Those interested in finding out more about the ADA may also call the Justice Department's toll-free ADA Information Line at 1-800-514-0301 or 1-800-514-0383 (TDD). 

 Article Credit: U.S. Department of Justice

Contributor Credit: CASI's Staff provided this story; if you know of an article that is relevent to CASI, please share by sending an email to info@casinstitute.