Heather Younghusband
Name: Heather Younghusband
Certifications / Licenses: RAS
Address: 285 West 6th Street, 314 , San Pedro , CA , 90731 , MAP
Access Inspections: Yes
I am a/an: CASp professional
I am a/an (other): Code Consultant
I work for: Private (Including Not For Profit))
Phone: 3106216189

Heather Younghusband, CASp, RAS, is the lead accessibility expert at Accessibility Consulting, an accessibility firm specializing in accessibility plan review, site inspections and consulting. Heather brings a wealth of knowledge to each building project regarding the analysis of accessibility code compliance and proficiency with 2010 ADA Standards, and the California Code of Regulations/Title 24 Accessibility Compliance for Title II and Title III projects.

Heather is certified as an International Code Council (ICC) Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner and became a Certified Access Specialist (CASp) in the State of California in 2021 and a Registered Accessibility Specialist (RAS) through the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) in 2023. Her accessibility experience includes providing consultation services for an array of projects, including sports arenas, casinos, resorts and hotels, bars and restaurants, educational campuses, and retail outlets in jurisdictions throughout the U.S.

Before joining Accessibility Consultants in 2024, Heather worked with TERPConsulting, providing fire/life safety analysis and accessibility code consulting on various project types and sectors.

A board of director of the Certified Access Specialist Institute (CASI) and a member of SoCal FPO, Heather has a diploma in Architectural and Building Technology (ABT) from the British Columbia Institute of Technology.