Public Housing - Beyond 11B | 2023 2.5 Hour Winter Webinar
Many public housing projects have multiple funding sources and additional requirements for accessibility that go beyond the California Building Code and 2010 ADA Standards. This session will review some of the most common funding sources, public housing programs, and what you need to be aware of in addition to the California Building Codes. We will also analyze sample projects with multiple funding sources and break down accessibility requirements that designers and CASp inspectors need to know.
There will also be a second presentation, by April Dawson, on the history and current events of the California Commission on Disability Access (CCDA).
Participants will learn about:
- Public housing in the California Building Code (CBC)
- Public Housing Programs / Funding in California affecting Accessibility Design
- Additional Accessibility Requirements beyond CBC 11B
- Other Available Resources
FORMAT: On-Demand Webinar
- CASI Member: $35
- Non-Member: $100
This Course currently intended to meet the requirements for 2.5 hours of Continuing Education Credits for DSA CASp Certification Renewal and International Code Council (ICC). In addition, this couse has been approved for 2.5 LU/HSW Continuing Education Credits with the American Institute of Architect (AIA)
Sandra Miles, CASp, ICC, ADAC
Sandra Miles has 30+ years of experience in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry, specializing in accessibility compliance projects over the last 20+ years. Ms. Miles is a Certified Access Specialist (CASp) in the state of California, Accessibility Plans Examiner and Inspector (ICC), Texas Registered Access Specialist (RAS), certified ADA Coordinator (ADAC) and most recently has been certified by the Accessibility Professional Association with the designation of “ADA Specialist”. Sandra is proficient with 2010 ADA Standards, and the California Code of Regulations/Title 24 Accessibility Compliance for Title II and Title III projects. Her project management with civil design background along with training of public works departments has required her to be proficient in the Public Rights of Way Guidelines (PROWAG) from the Federal Access Board, the Federal Highway Administration’s California Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Her experience includes a full range of accessibility compliance including; accessibility site inspections, CASp reports, accessibility plan review, training presentations, training classes, Title II, Title III, and Fair Housing design review for privately and publicly funded housing.
April Dawson
April Dawson comes to CCDA from the Resources for Independent Living (RIL) where she previously served as Executive Director. RIL is a social justice organization dedicated to advancing the socioeconomic independence of people with disabilities through peer-supported, consumer-directed independent living services and advocacy. Prior to RIL, April led nonprofits in the San Francisco Bay area and in the state of Oregon. She currently holds the position of Executive Director for the California Commission on Disability Access (CCDA)
In addition to her executive director duties, she has served in leadership roles on the Sacramento County Continuum of Care Advisory Board, Sacramento Regional Transit Mobility Advisory Committee, the Mayors’ Climate Commission, and the California Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities.