Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Yesterday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed a final rule revising the Justice Department's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title III regulation to further clarify a public accommodation's obligation to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services for people with disabilities.

An advance copy of the final rule, as well as an FAQ on the rule, are available on the Department's ADA website. The Department intends to publish the final rule in the Federal Register in the near future, and the final rule will take effect 45 days after publication.

For more information about this rule, please visit the Department's ADA website (www.ada.gov) or call the ADA Information Line:

Voice: 1-800-514-0301; TTY: 1-800-514-3083. 

 Article Credit: U.S. Department of Justice

Contributor Credit: CASI's Staff provided this story; if you know of an article that is relevent to CASI, please share by sending an email to info@casinstitute.